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Meet the Earth Children

Marigold is enthusiastic, sunny and has lots of ideas. She is mischievous and sometimes gets into scrapes! She has dark auburn hair tied up in pigtails. You'll see Marigold wearing orange and yellow, her favorite colors. And she likes pockets for stuffing things into, too!

Quiet, smart and brave is Chive, with a funny sense of humor, too! He does some of the “dirty work” for Marigold and has his own ideas, too. Tall, skinny and angular, he likes to climb trees. With black hair that mops every which way, he wears green clothes with a touch of purple. Chive enjoys playing his Celtic flute and he is very good at it, too!

Dianthus is Marigold’s best friend. She is gentle, motherly, cautious...a nice foil to Marigold! Blond and dainty, she wears clothes in shades of pink. Unlike Marigold, Dianthus is easily frightened. She loves to draw and likes to dance, too!

Cattail is a shy, brown haired boy who is good natured and goes with the flow. Helpful and honest, he is willing to do what others ask of him. He is not easily embarrassed and is quick to forgive. He prefers to wear clothes that are tan or brown. Everyone likes Cattail!

Camillia is the polite, well mannered one in this group of friends. Graceful and dreamy, she is beautiful with her long, dark, curly hair and green eyes. She dresses in ivory with touches of rose and is the best one at weaving flowers into crowns!

Button is the youngest of the Earth Children, but is always welcome to play with the others. The girls think he is cute as a "button"! That's how he got his name. He never wants to take off his "acorn cap" cap and will even wear it to bed. He sometimes sees things the older children miss!
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